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    Mezzanine boots Dal cook

    Ingredients: 1 kg of bounty, 1 kg of flesh (bone), 1 tablespoon of cardamom, 1 tablespoon of garlic, 1 tbsp of white mustard seed, 2 tablespoons of coconut-mustard paste,

    1 cup of onion paste, 1 onion onion, 1/2 cup of onion, cumin powder 1. Tablespoon, coriander powder 1 table spoon, 1 tablespoon of yellow powder, 2 tablespoons of pepper powder, 1 quantity of soybean oil and 1 cup of soybean oil and salt, chilli and tomato according to quantity.

    Procedure: Drain should be washed after half an hour. The meat must be washed with bone. Sausage must be fried with onion with oil. Pouring the meat together with one spice will then be fried.

    If the meat is well knit and boiled, then the fuel will be increased slightly. To boil it with a little bit of hot water. After that, you will have to reduce the use of chillies to keep the oven up.

    Serve with bowl or rice.

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